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2024 Events

  • TEM 5-Day Retreat (June 23-27)

  • Shinkaido 3-Day Intensive — TEM Martial Arts Training System (June 29-July 1)

TEM 5-Day Retreat

Be Richard’s guest for a 5-day Warrior’s Meditation Retreat. Spend your days forest bathing, while refining your abilities with The Warrior’s Meditation.

Unlike the usual TEM Intensives, this Retreat will be aimed to refresh and rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit. We will be moving at a slow, refreshing to facilitate a thorough cleansing rejuvenation. Is that you?

During this Retreat we will refine our basic meditative capacity through the Warrior’s Meditation beyond what I can teach you in online training. You will learn TEM Autonomic Stretching, something new to anyone who has never attended my physical seminars. You will also enjoy learning some basic meditative testing practices that you cannot find anywhere else. From that foundation, you will be spending copious time recovering in the forest. It’s a fantastic opportunity to practice directly with Richard L. Haight, who will mentor you within a small, intimate group setting.

You are invited to really get into nature through tenting and taking cold-water showers, or, if you prefer, you can stay at the Best Western Motel about 20 minutes’ drive away.

Each day will be spent in the vibrance of nature, where you will hone your natural abilities to calm, center, ground and open to life. The experience will be relaxing, yet refreshing, and you will certainly learn things about yourself that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

This training will go at a relaxing pace, so you can feel at ease and enjoy the process. You will also get to know some of your fellow TEM members possibly make lasting relationships, if that is your wish.


  • June 23-27, 2024, at Richard’s training facility in Southern Oregon.
  • Starts and ends at 1pm Pacific time.

Recommended Donation:

  • $1000 (cash on arrival at training facility)

Registration ends May 23, 2024

To Register eMail Richard at

Nearest Airport:
Medford International (Oregon U.S.A.)

Shinkaido 3-Day Intensive -- TEM Martial Arts Training System (June 29-31)

Join Richard L. Haight at his Southern Oregon training facility and learn the basic energy training of Shinkaido, the TEM Martial Arts system based on The Warrior’s Meditation.

If you have read The Unbound Soul, The Warrior’s Meditation, or Unshakable Awareness, you have had a glimpse of how we might be practicing.

My aim is to mentor you through the secrets hidden in the foundation TEM technical training, aspects that you might never have considered possible just from awareness training. My hope is you will learn how to practice the martial aspect of the TEM system with your friends or family once you return home.

Most of our training will take place outdoors in the forest, to take advantage of the power that nature has on our nervous systems. The experience will prove inspiring and may cause you to rethink everything you know about meditation and martial arts.

Of course, in three days, we can only introduce you to the initial stages of the training, but even the little that you will experience may be utterly mind-blowing. We will be practicing day and night, aiming to go deep. We’re going to have a great time!

During this training, you are invited to tent and cold shower, or, if you prefer, there is a Best Western Motel about 20 minutes’ drive away.


  • June 29 – July 1, 2024
  • Starts and ends at 1 PM Pacific time.

Recommended Donation:

  • $600 (cash upon arrival at training grounds)

Registration ends May 29, 2024

To Register eMail Richard at

Nearest Airport:
Medford International (Oregon U.S.A.) 45-minute drive from the training facility.